Xiaomi MIUI has released ‘pure mode’

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In September last year, Xiaomi mobile phones began to recruit MIUI pure mode internal test users, but the follow-up was nothing. Existing users found that Xiaomi has quietly launched this function, so you might as well try it out.


About pure mode

Pure mode is a brand new installation mode that will restrict the installation of apps that have not been reviewed by Xiaomi’s security. The specific security audit items are as follows:

  • Virus detection: Whether it contains viruses, Trojans, or illegal plug-ins.

  • Privacy detection and detection: Whether to collect personal information in violation of regulations, excessive claims, and other privacy issues.

  • Compatibility detection: Whether there are system compatibility problems such as failure to start, flashback, etc.

  • Manual review: Manually install and test on different models.

MIUI logoHow to enable and use pure mode?

Method 1: After entering “Settings” > Pure Mode in the upper right corner of the installation page, click the “Turn On Now” button to turn it on.

Method 2: When installing an app that has not been reviewed by Xiaomi, click the “Enable Guardian” button on the installation interface to open it.

After the pure mode is turned on, when you install an app that has not been reviewed by Xiaomi again, it will enter the pure mode installation process: If the app has been reviewed by Xiaomi, you can continue to install it or go to the store to install the app.

If the app has not been audited by Xiaomi or has been identified as a risky app by Xiaomi, you will not be able to continue to install the app or go to the store to install similar apps.

If you trust and continue to install the application, you can go to “Settings” > Pure Mode in the upper right corner of the installation page, and click “Authorize Single Installation” to perform a single authorized installation; after authorization, you can go to the location of the installation package to install the authorized application again.

So how to exit pure mode? we can enter the upper right corner of the installation page, click “Settings” select pure mode, and then click the “Close pure mode” button to exit. In addition, if your device has a lock screen password, you need to Exit after entering your password.

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